Elon one of nation’s most wired colleges

Elon has been named one of the "Hot 100 Wired Colleges" in the nation by Yahoo Internet Life magazine. Details...

The annual ranking, now in its fifth year, evaluates the technology resources of 1,300 U.S. colleges and universities. This is Elon’s first time on the top-100 list.

The rankings are based on a survey conducted by Yahoo Internet Life and Peterson’s, a publishing and research firm. The six factors in the ranking include technology infrastructure (network, computer labs, wired classrooms and residence halls), student resources (online information and services, Web and e-mail file space for students), Web portal (comprehensive institutional Web site), E-learning (online courses, library services, classroom tools), tech support (student training and hours of free technical support for students, and wireless access (availability of wireless access to the Internet).

Elon received “A” grades in tech support and E-learning and “B” grades in Web portal and infrastructure. The magazine also noted a research project conducted by Elon communications students in partnership with the Pew Internet & American Life Project, in which they studied one week of Internet use by families in the Town of Elon.

Elon trustees approved the three-year “Elon Vision for Technology” plan in 1999 with the goal of becoming a national leader in technology-enhanced learning. In March 2000, trustees approved $1.3 million in investments in additional staff and equipment, and additional technology resources were approved for the current academic year.

“Our technology initiative is designed to have a direct and immediate impact on our educational programs,” said President Leo M. Lambert. “This ranking is a sign that our investments are paying off – placing Elon among the nation’s best schools in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.”

Elon ranked #79 on the top-100 list. Other North Carolina schools include Wake Forest University (#20), North Carolina State University (#21), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (#56), Duke University (#63), Western Carolina University (#65) and East Carolina University (#95). Carnegie Mellon University is the highest ranking school, followed by Stanford University.

More details on the Yahoo Internet Life rankings can be found beginning Sept. 18 on the Web at http://wiredcolleges.com.