Elon Poll cited on NBC’s Meet the Press

Host Tim Russert referred to the Elon Poll in a May 5 live interview with N.C. Sen. John Edwards. The results of the April poll showed only 41 percent of citizens support an Edwards run for president. Details...

Russert questioned Edwards on a wide range of topics during his appearance on Meet the Press. In the segment regarding a potential run for the White House by Edwards, Russert noted that the April 19 Elon University poll showed that Edwards’ popularity had fallen among N.C. voters. For full results of the poll, click here.

Here is a transcript of the exchange: 

RUSSERT: Elon University, from your home state, did a poll which I found interesting. And it says only 43 percent of North Carolinians approve of the job Edwards is doing in the Senate, down from 57 percent.

RUSSERT: And enthusiasm for a White House run by Edwards was just 41 percent. The people who know you best, why are they so lukewarm?

EDWARDS: Well, first of all, I’ve seen a lot of polls that are very different than that.
       But the bottom line is, I think the people of North Carolina know me. They understand what it is I’m doing here in Washington. And I think that what really matters ultimately is if I have a connection and have been doing the kind of job I need to do for the folks I represent in North Carolina, they’ll be there when the time comes.

To read a full transcript of the interview, click here.