Elon Poll covered in Sunday New York Times

The results of the Dec. 7 Elon Poll were carried in the Dec. 9 NY Times. Poll director Sharon Spray is quoted in the story. Details...

The article, which is carried in the “Political Briefing” column, is titled “Elizabeth Dole Sits on Big Lead in a Poll.”

The Times article points out that the Elon University poll puts Elizabeth Dole 50 points or so ahead of every other hopeful in the contest, male and female, Democrat and Republican.

Among the Democratic hopefuls is Erskine B. Bowles, a former White House chief of staff, who narrowly leads a field of five in a theoretical primary. But 60 percent of the poll respondents were undecided.

In a general election match-up with Mrs. Dole, Mr. Bowles trails by 47 points, with 22 percent of respondents undecided.

The Times quotes poll director Sharon Spray, assistant professor of political science: “No one poses a serious threat to Elizabeth Dole’s bid to win the Republican primary. The Democratic primary will likely be far more interesting. Bowles still has weak name recognition.”