Elon student speaks at national children’s rally

Junior Jennifer Guarino, a National PTA Board youth member, spoke at a national rally for children at the Lincoln Memorial, Oct. 11. Details...

Guarino appeared along with Kathy Lee Gifford, more than 50 foreign ambassadors to the United States and 1,000 children in a special Washington, D.C., event on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial titled “Remember the Children: An Event about Children, for Children and
by Children.”

Thursday Oct. 11, exactly one month after the terrorist attacks in Washington and New York, Guarino joined with political and religious leaders, entertainers and students who re-asserted their
commitment to children and called for investments in programs and policies that promote children’s education, health and nutritional needs. The event honored those who died in the terrorist attacks and helped heal emotional scars of children still frightened by the attacks. Guarino was among a select group of speakers at the event.

Participating Organizations included the following: World Vision, Academy for Educational Development, Christian Children’s Fund, PLAN International, Oxfam International, The United States Fund for UNICEF, National PTA, Global AIDS Alliance, Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Child Survival, InterAction, Basic Education Coalition, Save the Children, The National Conference for Community and Justice, The Capital Children’s Museum and others.