Karl Sienerth featured in Times-News article

Sienerth, assistant professor of chemistry at Elon, was featured in a Burlington Times-News article Feb. 4 about preparing elementary school children for science fairs and projects. Details...

Sienerth has judged science fairs at Andrews Elementary School, where his three children attend, as well as system-wide fairs for the Alamance-Burlington schools. His advice to parents is to play a supporting role in preparing projects, but to let the child develop ideas and do a majority of the work.

The story, by staff writer Alice Shelton, also mentioned the work done by Sienerth and Elon students in the American Chemical Society to help children in the 21st Century WHEEL program with science projects. The program provides after-school activities, workshops and enrichment opportunities for students in east Burlington.

Also featured in the story was a photo of Sienerth’s 10-year-old son, Nick, as he worked on a science project at school.

Sienerth has created a special Web site for students doing science projects at:

Sienerth joined the Elon faculty in 1998. He was recently named the first recipient of the Japheth E. Rawls Professorship, which encourages collaborative work between faculty and students on undergraduate research projects.