Metzger chosen for ASCAP Plus Award

Jon Metzger, assistant professor of music, has received an award from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. Details...

Metzger received the award in recognition for his work in 2001. An awards panel reviewed Metzger’s work and achievements in several categories, including compositions, recordings, performances, prizes, commissions and honors.

Metzger’s accomplishments during the previous year included new solo vibraphone compositions and a new percussion nonet, Batterie Diabolique. Metzger also produced a new CD, “Times Fly,” featuring his arrangements of Benny Goodman’s small group music, for the Elon Improvibes label.

Metzger also gave live performances of his own compositions at several festivals, including the East Coast Jazz Festival, the National Percussion Pedagogy Conference and the Arkansas State Chapter of the Percussive Arts Society’s Day of Percussion, where he was the featured performer.