Omicron Delta Kappa New Inductees

Read this note for the full list of the students, faculty and staff who will be inducted into ODK, the National Leadership Honor Society....

The induction ceremony will be held Monday, Feb. 11 at 7:30 p.m. in McKinnon Hall. The inductees are:

Bianca Ashton

Janel Boyd

Kellie Brielmaier

Ryan Buckley

Kristine Calone

Molli Campbell

Annie Chalmers

Kathleen Clark

Jennifer Coleman

Rebecca Combs

Meghan Daniel

Jennifer Dew

Christina Dickerman

Brooke Droy

Richard Evans

Guillermo Furlan

Leanda Gahegan

Katie Gosselin

Megann Haase

Adam Heming

Sarah Hoelter

Jennifer Hornback

Daniel Hornyak

Margaret Houts

Kathleen Iwancio

Christine Jordan

Christan Kilgariff

Kelly Kohlhagen

Caroline Lalla

Colleen Magovern

Justin Mazzola

Milica Milosavljevic

Jordan Olshefski

Michelle Pautz

Nathan Painter

Andrea Petrini

Beth Ponstein

Carrie Roberts

Rebecca Schlesinger

Abigail Schneider

Stacey Schultz

Elizabeth Scott

Kerri Sigler

Kelly Smith

Lauren Vilis

Pamela Vitkus

Mary Walker

Crystal Webb

Ashley White

Katherine Wicke

Lauren Williams

Suzanne George

Rebecca Goodman

Nan Perkins (staff)

Barbara Carlton (staff)

Thomas Batchelor (faculty)

Kathryn Manning (staff)