Physics Bridge Challenge results

Students participating in the physics department's bridge challenge had to use ingenuity, creativity and their knowledge of science to win this competition, held Oct. 29. Details, results and photographs...

Students worked in teams of 3 or 4 people to see which group could build the strongest bridge. Teams were allowed to use 100 popsicle sticks, an “S” hook and glue to build their bridges. The bridges had to be at least 100 centimeters long, and were placed between two tables spread 80 cm. apart.

A bucket attached to a chain was then placed on the “S” hook, positioned near the fulcrum of each bridge. Sand was then added to the bucket until the bridge collapsed or failed.

The winning team of Jamie Hartzell, Amy Oliver and Beth Sherif constructed a bridge which withstood 16.631 kg. of weight. The other top finishers were:

  • 8.546 kg.–Matt Cohen, James Garten, Brian Hooper, Chase Martin
  • 8.526 kg.–Nicole Bianco, Michael Sault, Treva Stanton
  • 8.072 kg.–Ginny Langdon, Errica Lucht, Brittany Morrison
  • 6.976 kg.–Clay Britton, Carrie Ann Farmington, John Robinson, Josh Rowan.

Visit the link below to see more team pictures and results: