SGA election results

Read this note to find out who won during the Student Government Association elections, held Feb. 25-26...

The winners in SGA elections are listed below:

  • Executive President-Christian Wiggins (55.2 percent)
  • Executive Vice President-Katie Townsend (72 percent)
  • Executive Treasurer-Brian O’Shea (65 percent)
  • Executive Secretary-Kate Stejskal (Uncontested)
  • Senior Class President-Christian Brescia
  • Senior Class Secretary/Treasurer-Kristin Nicolosi
  • Senior Class Senator-Erika A.S. Miller
  • Junior Class President-Jason Smith
  • Junior Class Vice President-Andrew R.T. Mackey
  • Junior Class Secretary/Treasurer-Mark Gustafson
  • Junior Class Senator-Cara Catalfumo
  • Sophomore Class President-Chris Morse
  • Sophomore Class Vice President-Andrea Rezendes
  • Sophomore Class Secretary/Treasurer-Darris Means
  • Sophomore Class Senators-Brian Gill, Kerry Fox, Lillian Byers
  • Judicial Hearing Board-Randy Torban

Electronic voting took place Feb. 25-26, using scanned balloting forms from D&D Digital Company of Des Moines, Iowa. Four different ballot forms were used; all students voted for executive positions, while election for class officer positions was limited only to members of that class.

Executive positions require a majority vote to win, while all other positions are selected by plurality.

The winners will serve one-year terms beginning in April.