Students collect items, phones for women’s shelter

Students enrolled in an Elon class delivered four carloads of goods to the battered women's shelter at Family Abuse Services of Alamance County Thursday, Oct. 31. Details...

Since mid-September, students in “Violence in Families,” taught by Angela Lewellyn Jones, assistant professor of social justice, have been collecting clothes, cleaning supplies and household items for the shelter. The shelter provides these items to women who have had to leave abusive households, often without these basic necessities, as they attempt to establish new homes.

Melissa Hersh, pictured above, and other students also collected old or unused cellular phones for the shelter. The phones will be sent to Motorola, Inc., for free reprogramming with numbers to police and other emergency agencies, so the women will have quick access to the numbers when they need them.

If you would like to make a donation to the shelter, contact Jones at, or 278-6447, or contact Family Abuse Services at 226-5982.