Summary of Board meeting

The Elon College Board of Trustees took several important actions during its March 14-15 meeting on campus.

· Broke ground for Rhodes Stadium.

· Approved a new mission statement for Elon College:

Rooted in the historic tradition of the United Church of Christ, Elon College embraces its founders’ vision of an academic community that transforms mind, body, and spirit and encourages freedom of thought and liberty of conscience.

To fulfill this vision, Elon College acts upon these commitments:

· We nurture a rich intellectual community characterized by active student engagement with a faculty dedicated to excellent teaching and scholarly accomplishment.

· We provide a dynamic and challenging undergraduate curriculum grounded in the traditional liberal arts and sciences and complemented by distinctive professional and graduate programs.

· We integrate learning across the disciplines and put knowledge into practice, thus preparing students to be global citizens and informed leaders motivated by concern for the common good.

We foster respect for human differences, passion for a life of learning, personal integrity, and an ethic of work and service.

· Received reports on academic reorganization, graduate education and shared governance.

· Approved a $62.3 million budget for fiscal year 2000-2001. The cost of attending Elon (tuition, fees, room, and board) will be $18,441, a 5.7% increase.

· Elected Burney Jennings ’87, Robert T. “Bobby” Drakeford ’86, and Mari Behrend Straub ’82 to membership on the Board. Elected Walter Campbell “Cam” Tims ’00 youth trustee. Awarded trustee emeritus status to the Honorable Elmon T. Gray, Dr. R. Leroy Howell ’51, W. E. “Dub” Love, Jr., and Janie Crumpton Evans Reece. Awarded president emeritus status to Dr. J. Fred Young.

· Heard that the market value of the College endowment is $52.7 million.

· Received the report of the Facilities Master Plan Committee.

· Heard senior music theatre majors Corey Bradley, Dan Callaway, Nancy Snow, and Becky Titleman perform.

· Heard a progress report from the NewCentury@Elon Planning Committee.

· Learned about Elon’s undergraduate research program from Dr. Rosalind Reichard, Dr. Maurice Levesque, and Scott Weckerly.

· Promoted Dr. Brian Digre and Dr. Rosemary Haskell to professor and Dr. R. Clyde Ellis, Dr. Mary Jo Festle, and Dr. Laura Helvey to associate professor. In other College actions, Dr. Grace Bass, associate professor of education, Dr. Ellis, Dr. Festle, and Dr. Helvey were either awarded professional status or granted tenure. Professional status and tenured faculty appointments are reserved for outstanding full-time faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, scholarship and service to the institution.