Teaching Fellows program receives high marks

A review of the Teaching Fellows program at Elon yields commendable ratings in 11 different categories. Details...

The North Carolina Teaching Fellows program at Elon University received a commendable rating in 11 out of 25 categories during its recent five-year review by the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission.

Elon received commendable ratings in categories such as cultural experiences, opportunities for field trips and travel, financial aid and working collaboratively with K-12 schools. The commission conducted on-campus interviews Oct. 29-30 with administrators, faculty members and students enrolled in the program. Also included in the review process was a written report submitted by the university and the results of surveys sent to Teaching Fellows and randomly selected faculty members.

The program received satisfactory ratings in 13 categories, with improved public relations being identified as the only area in need of improvement.

“This evaluation visit served as an acknowledgment of the dedication of everyone involved in our Teaching Fellows program,” says Janet Warman, director of the program at Elon. “We are fortunate to have the full support of the Elon administration, and we are equally fortunate to have Fellows who are committed to teaching as a career choice.”

Elon Teaching Fellows receive $13,000 annually. Students receive $6,500 from the Teaching Fellows Commission, with the remainder coming from Elon scholarship funds and the North Carolina legislative tuition grant. In return, Fellows agree to teach for at least four years in North Carolina public schools.

The Teaching Fellows program began in North Carolina in 1987, and Elon enrolled its first Fellows class in 1988. Of the 14 colleges and universities which participate in the program, Elon is the only private, coeducational institution.