Van Bodegraven presents at workshops

Donna Van Bodegraven, associate professor of Spanish and chair of the foreign languages department, did a presentation titled “Yucatán: Culture, Commerce and Connection-A Successful Interdisciplinary Study Abroad Experiment” at the annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference (MIFLC) held at Furman University in Greenville, SC, October 11-13. The conference also honored Dr. Leon Lyday, former chair of the Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese at Penn State University. Van Bodegraven attended sessions and participated in the events to honor her mentor.

Van Bodegraven was the invited speaker at the final day of a two-day professional development workshop for approximately 25 Alamance County foreign language teachers held on Elon’s campus Oct. 17-18. Van Bodegraven did an interactive presentation titled “Integrating Career Development and Foreign Languages: Teaching and Speaking the Language of Careers in the Foreign Language Classroom.”  She and Scott Windham, director of the Language Media Center, also gave the teachers an orientation to Elon’s new Language Media Center.