Winter Term Info-Share Day, Tuesday, January 21

Come find out what Elon students and faculty have been learning during Winter Term at the second annual Info-Share Day from 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21 in Yeager Recital Hall. Details...

Professors and students from Globalization and Culture courses will share learning and discoveries from their Winter Term experiences. These classes will share informative presentations during Info-Share Day:

  • Introduction to the Fine Arts, Professor Barbara Rhoades, presentation by Gillian Murray
  • History of Sport, Professor Jaime Orejan, presentation by James Lewis
  • Sustainable Development in a Global Economy, Professor Sam Moore, presentation by Sam Moore
  • Global Health Disparities, Professor Matt Clark, presentation by Erica Daye
  • Sacred Dances of the World, Professor Jane Wellford, presentation by the entire class.

Refreshments will be served, and the entire Elon community is invited to attend.