Students take a leap in Polar Bear Plunge

With temperatures in the upper 40's, more than 30 Elon students took part in the third annual Polar Bear Plunge at Lake Mary Nell on Monday, Jan. 23. Details...

Conditions on Monday were considerably colder than last year, when temperatures hovered near 70 degrees for the plunge. Allison Ellmers of the Resident Student Association, which sponsors the event, said she was happy with the weather.

“A little sunshine would have been nice, but it’s good that we have the cold,” Ellmers said. “It really does help to make it feel polar.”

Students headed into the water to retrieve plastic boats loaded with prizes and gift certificates from local merchants. Everyone who participated received a Plunge t-shirt as well.

Freshman Troy Carlton was among the first seven students to brave the waters. “It’s colder than ice,” a shivering Carlton said moments after emerging from his dip. “I couldn’t breathe as soon as I hit the water!”