Writer Rebecca Faery to share work during guest reading, Feb. 27

Noted writer Rebecca Faery will share her latest work during a reading at 8 p.m., Monday, Feb. 27 in Whitley Auditorium on the Elon University campus. Sponsored by the Department of English, this event is free and open to the public.

Faery is director of First Year Writing in the Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has published poems, essays, and literary scholarship in various periodicals. Faery is currently working on a collection of personal essays on the Vietnam war.

Faery earned a doctorate in American literature from the University of Iowa. She has taught writing and literature at Hollins College, the University of Iowa, Mount Holyoke College, and Harvard University. She is the author of “Cartographies of Desire: Captivity, Race, and Sex in the Shaping of an American Nation” and co-editor of an anthology of nonfiction, “In Depth.”
