Valle manuscript to be published by Center for Creative Leadership

Matthew Valle, associate professor of business administration, has been notified that his manuscript “The Power of Politics: Insights on Political Skill-Building for Emerging Leaders” is scheduled to be published in Volume 26 (2) of the May/June 2006 issue of Leadership in Action, a publication of the Center for Creative Leadership. Leadership in Action is widely read by clients of CCL and practicing managers worldwide.

The article helps emerging leaders understand organizational politics and the concept of political skill, which is composed of four dimensions–social astuteness, interpersonal influence, networking ability, and apparent sincerity. These skills are discussed as essential for effective influence (and leadership).

From the article: “…Since the contemporary work environment has evolved, the role of leader has had to evolve, as well. Where there was once a gate keeper or controller, the leader of today must act as a coach and mentor, facilitating the work of project teams and diverse work groups. Leaders must work with and through others…. This requires a broad set of skills and the ability to know when to apply them… Effective leaders manage meaning and shepherd organizational energy through influence, coordinating and enhancing the composite knowledge and work skills of team members to create organizational value. “Good” leaders are, by necessity, politically adept.”