Professional Writing and Rhetoric Courses

Interested in learning more about Professional Writing and Rhetoric? Try out one of our fall classes:

Introduction to Professional Writing and Rhetoric (ENG 215)

Dr. Paula Rosinski

1:40-3:20 M/W

Writing as Inquiry (ENG 397)

Prof. Michael Strickland

2:20-4:00 T/Th

Intro to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (ENG 206)

Dr. Jessie Kapper

5:30-7:10 T/Th

Visual Rhetoric and Document Design (ENG 312)

Dr. Tim Peeples

10:30-12:10 T/Th

Writing Center Workshop (ENG 319)

Dr. Paula Rosinski

3:35-5:15 M/W