Faculty attend Writing Across the Curriculum conference

Elon was well represented at WAC 2006, the Eighth International Conference on Writing Across the Curriculum, held this year at Clemson University in South Carolina May 18-20. There were representatives from the U.S. and Canada, as well as Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Great Britain, Denmark, the United Arab Emirates, and South Africa.

Jessie Kapper, English; Paula Rosinski, English; Tim Peeples, English; and Michael Strickland, English, presented a panel on “Administrative Rotations: Supporting Innovation and Collaboration in Teaching, Research, and Professional Development.”

Kapper presented a paper titled “Improving Administrative Transitions and Teaching Rotations.” Rosinski’s paper was titled “Supporting Administrative Rotations through Collaborative Research and Professional Development.” Peeples wrote a paper titled “Examining Innovative Structures for Program Administration,” and Strickland’s paper was titled “Facilitating Communication and Collaboration across Programs.”

Strickland also presented a paper with John Reilly, chemistry, “Humanizing Heisenberg: A WAC Approach to Physical Chemistry,” which covered a two course collaborative experiment they conducted incorporating intensive writing into chemistry.