Wymer, Felten to edit teaching and learning column

Kathryn Wymer and Peter Felten have been named co-editors of “Thriving in Academe,” a column published six times each year both online and in the print journal Higher Education Advocate (print circulation of approximately 90,000/issue). The column aims to promote ever more effective teaching and learning in higher education through dialogue among colleagues.

Thriving in Academe is a joint project of the National Education Association and the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education. Past issues of Thriving in Academe are available online at http://www2.nea.org/he/thriveol.html.

The first column Wymer and Felten will edit is scheduled to appear in October when Calvin Peters will write a column based on his new book, “Teaching First-Year College Students” (Jossey-Bass, 2006).