Art department has new home at Elon West

Expanded studio space and photo labs are just some of the benefits awaiting Elon’s art department in its new home at Elon West. Over the summer, Elon West, which previously housed the physical plant and construction offices, underwent a transformation to provide new facilities for the art department.

Located on Haggard Avenue just west of the main campus, the facility will include classrooms, a ceramics studio, a painting studio, a digital art studio and photo lab. The building’s two computer labs are equipped with the latest audio and video technology. Elon West also includes storage for library collections as well as music faculty offices.

Previously, the art department was housed in the Center for the Arts. Ken Hassell, associate professor of art, says the Elon West facility will provide new opportunities for faculty and students.

“We couldn’t expand our course offerings in the Center of the Arts because of space,” says Hassell. “Here, we can expand our offerings. Students will be able to work more in the lab, collaborating with faculty and exploring various possibilities for their work. It will mean higher quality work from our students. We can expect more of them and they can expect more of themselves.”