Residence halls come alive as new students move in

Freshmen and transfer students moved computers, televisions and a host of other belongings into campus residence halls Friday, Aug. 25, signaling the start of the 2006-2007 academic year. Details from move-in day...

More than 1,270 freshmen, transfer students and their families arrived Friday morning. With help from Residence Life and Physical Plant staff, as well as other students and staff members, Elon’s newest students met new roommates, arranged furniture and began settling into their new surroundings.

Alex Ferris of Boston and his parents were situating his belongings in his Smith hall room. Ferris said deciding what to bring to Elon and what to leave at home was a bit easier for him, since he previously attended boarding school.

“The most important thing to have these days is a computer,” said Ferris, who says he might try out for the men’s golf team. He and some friends “have been into soccer ever since the World Cup this summer, so we bought cleats yesterday and we’re going to get involved with club soccer.”

In the parking lot near Hook, Brannock and Barney residence halls, Nancy Barry of Southborough, Mass., was waiting for her daughter, Kelly, to return from hauling another load of clothes into Carolina hall. Nancy Barry said taking her first daughter to college was not as traumatic as she expected it to be.

“I’m really not nervous about it,” Barry said. “We’re dropping her off in a great environment, and she is so excited about being here. I’m very excited for her.”

Lang Ellis of Wilkesboro, N.C., and her daugher, Caroline, said the move-in process was “unbelievably organized.” Lang Ellis said she has sent two other children to college, but Elon’s move-in system was “the best of the three. And everywhere you look, there are helpful, pleasant people.”

Freshmen and transfer students will have their first mandatory residence hall meetings Friday night, before freshman convocation under the Oaks at 9 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 26. Orientation activities continue through Monday before classes begin Tuesday, Aug. 29.