Gendle publishes Progressive Populist article

An essay authored by Mathew Gendle, assistant professor of psychology, has been published in the February 15 print and on-line editions of The Progressive Populist.  Titled “Big Blues: The Death of an Industrial Town”, Gendle’s essay uses the town of Endicott, NY as a case-study to explore some of the domestic economic and environmental consequences of globalization. 
The Progressive Populist is published twice monthly, and reports on issues of interest to the middle-class of America. Several journalists and populist activists of note write for this journal, including Jim Hightower, Molly Ivins, Ralph Nader, Arianna Huffington, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Donald Kaul, Alvena Bieri, Gene Lyons, Patrisia Gonzales & Roberto Rodriguez, John Buell, Margot McMillen, Amanda Griscom Little, Hank Kalet, Joan Retsinas, A.V. Krebs, Russell Mokhiber & Robert Weissman, Danila Oder, Wayne O’Leary, Granny D, Ted Rall, Judith Gorman, Norman Solomon, Joyce Marcel, Tom Tomorrow, and Mark Weisbrot.

Full-text of this essay is available at the Web link below: