Economics Students Present at Conference

Economics majors Allison Genco, Ian Hull, Abby Kelly, Michael Koslow and Abbey Lepley presented their research in the undergraduate research sessions at the Eastern Economics Association’s annual conference in New York, NY, February 23-25. The students were mentored by economics faculty Jim Barbour, Greg Lilly and Steve DeLoach.

Their paper titles are listed below:

“Core Labor Standards and Trade” — Allison Genco

“The Adolescent’s Decision to Smoke: A Simulation Beyond Risk Perception” — Ian Hull

“Applying the Marshall Plan: Implications from Differential Large-Scale Post-War Policies” — Abby Kelly

“The Costs of the Crusade on Tobacco: How Junk Science is Hurting the U.S. Economy” — Michael Koslow

“Money Making a Run for the U.S.-Mexico Border: Determinants of Central American Migrant Remittances” — Abbey Lepley

Elon University students participated in 10 undergraduate research sessions with students from University of Pennsylvania, Colgate University, Saint Louis University, Sweet Briar College, Smith College, Quinnipiac University, Furman University, Drew University, Manhattanville College, University of Mary Washington, Austin College, Keene State College, Buffalo State College, SUNY Oswego, Minnesota State University-Moorhead, Washington and Jefferson College, and American University.

These sessions were organized and sponsored by Issues in Political Economy, the undergraduate research journal published annually by students from Elon and the University of Mary Washington. Support for the IPE comes from Elon’s Undergraduate Research Program and the Love School of Business. This was the 10th straight year that Elon has organized these sessions.