Elon Teaching Fellows program receives top rating from state

The Elon Teaching Fellows Program was evaluated Nov. 14-15, 2006 by members of the state Teaching Fellows Commission and Program Staff to validate the compliance of the Elon University Program with the state program goals and make recommendations and/or commendations for the Elon Program.  Report findings indicate that the Elon Program meets the goals of the Teaching Fellows Commission in all areas. 

Commendations include administration indicators : (1) the Assignment of the Director, Associate Director, and Special Assistant to the Program, (2) Advisory Committee and Student Governance, (3) Admissions and Financial Aid, and (4) Faculty/Administrative Support.  Commendations regarding program components include (1) the required study abroad experience expansion to include a full-immersion experience in Costa Rica, (2) outstanding variety of guest speakers to include educational speakers at Elon, (3) Winter term experiences including the American History Study Tour and the Washington Center and  (4) Collaborative efforts with schools including the networking with Teaching Fellows graduates.

The evaluation team reported from their interviews with current Teaching Fellows and alumni that the some of the most important aspects of the program are/were:  “the air of professionalism instilled while at Elon;” participation in the semester study abroad, early field experiences, exposure to multiple practices and methods, and the small group size. 

Currently there are 89 Teaching Fellows at Elon.  Janice Richardson, Associate Professor of Mathematics, serves as Director of the Program; Carol Smith, Associate Professor of Physical Education and Health, serves as Associate Director; and Carol Pace serves as the Special Assistant to the Teaching Fellows Program.