Elon University will resume normal operations and class schedules on Friday, February 21. More information is available on Today at Elon.

RecycleMania Week 5 results

Elon moved up slightly in the overall RecycleMania 2007 standings, and is now a leader among North Carolina schools in one category. Details...

After the fifth week of competition in RecycleMania 2007, Elon is in
78th place out of 171 schools in the Per Capita division. Elon is in
3rd place out of 5 North Carolina schools entered in the competition.

In the targeted materials-cardboard category, Elon is 43rd of 99 schools and 3rd among state schools.

Elon moved up 2 positions in the targeted materials-aluminum, plastic
and glass category, ranking 27th out of 104 schools. Elon is now first
overall among state schools with a 2.46 pound cumulative total, edging
out University of North Carolina at Charlotte and University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Dave Worden, manager of environmental services, says he’s pleased with
“the fantastic effort” on the part of the campus community. “Everyone
deserves a big thank you for making RecycleMania here at Elon a
successful campaign.”

Continue to look for the containers with green lids throughout campus
for cans and bottles. Paper should go in containers with blue lids.