Moore Kapper presents at International TESOL Conference

Jessie Moore Kapper, assistant professor of professional writing and rhetoric, presented at the 41st annual international Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Convention in Seattle on March 23. Moore Kapper’s colloquium with Elizabeth Patton and Scott Patton (both of Purdue University) focused on collaborating across disciplines and settings to better serve student learners.

The colloquium, “Exploring Intersections between Writing and Special Education,” examined how scholars from composition studies, TESOL, and special education might work together to support second language writers with special needs. The speakers concluded by offering strategies for facilitating successful collaborations across contexts.

At the convention, Moore Kapper also completed her duties as Chair of the Second Language Writing Interest Section, a 500-member sub-group of TESOL that Moore Kapper helped form two years ago. As Past Chair, she will continue to serve on the Interest Section’s steering committee.