School of Communications announces faculty excellence awards

Professors Jessica Gisclair, Staci Saltz and Kenn Gaither
received the 2007 Faculty Excellence Awards at the School of
Communications Advisory Board luncheon on April 13.

Gisclair received the School’s Leadership Award, Gaither the Scholarship Award, and Saltz the
Teaching Award.

This is the fourth annual presentation honoring outstanding faculty

Dean Paul Parsons and Advisory Board Chair Don Bolden announced the
2007 recipients, selected by a committee consisting of the three 2006

The Leadership Award recognizes a faculty member who richly
contributes to the ongoing welfare and betterment of the School, the
university and the profession.

The Scholarship Award recognizes a faculty member whose scholarly
work has a significant intellectual impact.

The Teaching Award recognizes a faculty member who is outstanding
in the classroom, current in the discipline, and committed to the
intellectual development of students.