Elon’s Yearbook wants your photos

As the year draws to a close, the yearbook staff is working on finishing up the final pages of the book! We’re looking to fill some gaps and would love to include your photos…

If you have photos from any of the following events or experiences, please send them to us:

*Internships you have participated in
*Study Abroad experiences (Fall & Spring Semesters – Winter Term spread is already complete, but we appreciate the submissions!)
*Holiday events celebrated on campus (other than ‘winter’ holidays like Christmas)
*Weekend road trips you’ve taken with friends or with a campus organization

If you would like to submit your photos, please send a high-resolution file to elonyearbook@gmail.com as soon as possible! PLEASE include names of people pictured, what the event was, where it was, when it was, etc.

The more submissions the better! And be sure to keep your eye out for the new yearbook next fall semester!
