Communications faculty members attend AEJMC national convention

Fourteen faculty members from Elon’s School of
Communications participated in the 2007 national convention
of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication in Washington, D.C.

Participants were Paul Parsons, Connie Book, Don Grady,
Brooke Barnett, Colin Donohue, Ocek Eke, Anthony Hatcher,
Rich Landesberg, Byung Lee, Barbara Miller, George Padgett,
Glenn Scott, Dan Trigoboff and Frances Ward-Johnson.

“Elon has developed a major presence at our national
convention in recent years,” Dean Parsons said,
“and it contributes to our growing reputation, our
ability to recruit outstanding faculty, and our teaching and
scholarly expertise.”

These were highlights of Elon’s participation at the
AEJMC conference:

–Padgett received the Newspaper Division’s
Professional Freedom and Responsibility Award for his
commitment and efforts related to ethics, diversity and

–Scott presented a refereed paper titled “Measuring
an Eroding Base: Use of the Circulation Robustness Variable
for U.S. Newspapers.”

–Miller presented a refereed paper to “Community
Stakeholders and Marketplace Advocacy: A Model of Advocacy,
Agenda Building and Industry Approval.”

–Parsons spoke on indirect measures of assessing student
learning at the day-long Assessing Journalism and Mass
Communication Education workshop.

–Grady was an invited expert in roundtable discussions
following the assessment workshop.

–Eke was moderator of a panel on the 2008 political season
and how journalists are preparing to cover it.

–Landesberg was a panelist, along with senior producers
from C-SPAN and BET, invited to speak on how journalists are
preparing to cover the 2008 political season.

–Parsons spoke to the Journalism Leadership in Diversity
graduating class on “Leadership in Action: Motivating

–Ward-Johnson was a discussant in a refereed paper poster
research session sponsored by the Advertising, Public
Relations and Cultural and Critical Studies Divisions.

–Parsons discussed the World Journalism Education Congress
in Singapore and other topics as a member of the Task Force
on the Future of ASJMC.

–Eke presided as vice chair at the executive committee
meeting of the Cultural and Critical Studies Division of

–Parsons presided as chair of the Diversity Committee of
the administrators group, the Association of Schools of
Journalism and Mass Communications.

–Book and Grady conducted interviews for an upcoming search
for a corporate communications faculty member.