Rush Alpha Phi Omega co-ed service fraternity

Since its founding in 1925, Alpha Phi Omega has stood for Leadership, Friendship, and Service.  We are the largest undergraduate organization in the United States. Not only do we plan service projects ourselves, but we offer an exclusive program for brothers called APO LEADS, providing leadership workshops locally & nationally. The men and women of the Sigma Rho Chapter here at Elon would like to invite you to our Fall Rush.
Sept. 5 – Interest Meeting 8 p.m. @ Hearth Lounge in Moseley
Sept. 10 – Interest Meeting 8 p.m. @ Hearth Lounge in Moseley
Sept. 11 – Open Chapter 9:15 p.m. @ McMichael 115
Sept. 12 – Dinner 6 p.m. Harden Dining Hall
Sept. 13 – Bowling Fellowship Country Lanes 7 p.m.
Sept. 14 – Boys & Girls Club service event 3-6 p.m.
Sept. 16 – Bid Night 9 p.m.
If you cannot make any of the meeting times, please feel free to email us at  We hope to see you at our Fall Rush so you can “be a leader, be a friend, & be of service!”