Post-Graduate Fellowship Opportunity

Are you a senior or recent alum with plans to attend graduate or professional school in fall 2008?  The Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Scholarship provides generous funding for up to six years of study in a graduate or professional school.  Elon can nominate two students to participate in this national competition.  The selection criteria in order of importance are as follows:
1.  3.5 gpa or higher
2.  academic ability and achievement
3.  unmet financial need
4.  will to succeed
5.  leadership and public service
6.  critical-thinking ability
7.  appreciation for or participation in arts and humanities
If you meet these criteria and are interested in applying, please contact Dr. Janet Myers, Fellowship Advisor, for more information on the process.  She can be reached at or ext. 5729.  You can also find more information at  The deadline for applications is Monday, November 13th.