NorthCarolina Supreme Court Associate Justice Robert Edmunds wasthe first major speaker featured by the Federalist Society at Elon University School of LawThursday, Oct. 25. Edmunds talked about an 1857 case in which AbrahamLincoln served as defense counsel and discussed a variety oflegal issues in the case with students.
Edmunds has served on the state Supreme Court sinceJanuary 2001. He served as associate judge on the NorthCarolina Court of Appeals from 1999 to 2001. Edmunds also hasextensive experience as an attorney, practicing withStern & Klepfer, LLP. from 1993 to 1998. He served asU.S. Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolinafrom 1986 to 1993, where he handled criminal and civil cases,oversaw investigations and presented matters for the grandjury, trials, and briefing and arguing appeals. Hisexperience also extends to criminal matters including drugtrafficking, food stamp fraud, credit card fraud, gray-marketsmuggling of automobiles, bank fraud, bank robbery, firearmviolation, social security crimes and other federal offenses.
Edmunds is member of the Greensboro Bar Association, theGuilford Inn of Court, the Appellate Rules Study Committeefor the North Carolina Bar Association and he served on theboard of directors for the Greensboro Criminal DefenseLawyer’s Association from 1997 to 1998.
Additional honors and awards include the 1990 Certificate ofAppreciation from the Drug Enforcement Administration foroutstanding contributions in the field of drug lawenforcement. In 1993, he received awards from the U.S.Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service and theBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
He also has numerous publications, including most recently“How Can You Defend Those People?” published inthe North Carolina State Bar Journal (Fall, 2003).