Children’s book collection for primary school in Ghana

Periclean Scholars class of 2010 recently hosted the visit of Dr. Augustus Vogel, a former Peace Corps worker in Ghana.  During his time in Ghana, Dr. Vogel assisted in the construction of a primary school and an accompanying library.  The community has struggled to fill the library with books that are of interest to the Ghanaian students.  (One of the few books is the biography of Nancy Reagan – not exactly a hot topic for elementary school students in any country.) 

Dr. Vogel has requested help in acquiring children’s books for grades K-12 that would be of interest to West African elementary school students.  Dr.  Vogel has a specific list of books that they would like to supply in the library, but any used book or monetary donations would be greatly appreciated.  Please contact Betsy Sise at for more information on the list of books needed, or if you are interested in donating.  Every contribution is greatly appreciated!