Elon University will conclude classes and close most offices at 3 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 10, in advance of a winter storm. Read more details on Today at Elon.

King column on peer pressure published in Times-News

Catherine King, associate professor and chair of the psychology department at Elon.
Catherine King, associate professor and chair of the psychology department at Elon, had a column published Nov. 2 in the (Burlington, N.C.) Times-News in which she offers parents advice for teaching children how to deal with peer pressure.

“As your child moves through the tenuous middle and high school years,remind her that peer pressure only works when we let it. Anticipaterisky circumstances and help your child develop coping strategies,” King writes. “Evenif your child’s friends are similar to your child in age, interests andfocus on academics, there may be times when your child could be temptedto engage in risky behavior by friends or acquaintances.”

Read the full column, which includes tips for parents, by clicking on the link below.