“Costs of War: Iraq” discussion March 5 | Today at Elon | Elon University

“Costs of War: Iraq” discussion March 5

Wednesday, March 5
Dahr Jamail “Costs of War:

LaRose Digital Theatre, Koury Business Center, 7:30

In late 2003, weary of poor press
coverage on the war, Dahr Jamail went to Iraq to investigate.
He is now reporting for the InterPress Service, The Asia
Times, Democracy Now! and BBC. His accounts have been
published in The Nation, The Sunday Herald, the Guardian,
Foreign Policy in Focus, the Independent and translated into
nine different languages. He is the author of the recently
released Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an
Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq.

The Symposium on the Costs of War
is co-sponsored by the Fund for Excellence in the Arts &
Sciences, Non-Violence Studies, Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual Life and
the School of Communications.