Ron Johnson, Rebecca Perry and Andrew Spainhour said their experiencein Greensboro legal circles and in the community at large has beenmostly positive.
“When I came out in 1984, I did worry if there was a place for openlygay lawyers in Greensboro,” said Johnson, a partner in the law firm ofJohnson Peddrick and McDonald. “But the reception I got wastremendously positive. I actually, in a sense, gained clients.” Johnsonsaid one particular family gave him all of their legal work and begansteering other clients in his direction because they were impressedwith the honesty and integrity he displayed in revealing his sexualorientation.
“I have never lost a client because of my orientation in and ofitself,” said Perry, who opened her own law practice in Greensboro in2002. A specialist in family law, she said she did steer away oneclient whose wife had left him for another woman. She revealed herorientation to the client, saying “you might have a hard time with thisand you need to know about it.”
Spainhour, general counsel of Replacements Limited, said the Greensborocommunity has been willing to accept gay lawyers and otherprofessionals for who they are. Because of that, gay and lesbianprofessionals serve on numerous boards and are leaders in thecommunity. “I think it’s important to not hide,” Spainhour said. “Ithink it’s important for all of us to be up front about who we are.”
Johnson has found similar support for gay and lesbian attorneys at thestate level. In 1995, he was tapped by other attorneys to approach theN.C. State Bar Association about the formation of a LGBT lawyers groupin North Carolina. “I went to Raleigh for that meeting with sometrepidation, but as soon as I walked in the door, their response was’what took you so long? We’ve been wondering when you were going toorganize.’ We have a state bar association that is very supportive ofgay and lesbian lawyers,” Johnson said.