Click on the link below to hear Gergen’s views on recent comments bythe Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the impact on the presidential campaign ofSen. Barak Obama.
As a commentator,editor, teacher, public servant, best-selling author and presidentialadviser, Gergen has been an active participant in American nationallife for more than 30 years. He served as director of communicationsfor President Reagan and held positions in the administrations ofPresidents Nixon and Ford. In 1993, he put his country before politicswhen he agreed first to serve as counselor to President Clinton on bothforeign policy and domestic affairs, then as special internationaladviser to the President and to Secretary of State Warren Christopher.
Currently, Gergen is professor of public service at the John F. KennedySchool of Government and Director of the Center for Public Leadershipat Harvard University. He also serves as editor-at-large at U.S. News& World Report, as an analyst on various broadcast news programs,and is a frequent lecturer at venues around the world. He served as amoderator of “World @ Large,” a 13-part PBS discussion series.
His book, “Eyewitness to Power: The Essence of Leadership, Nixon toClinton” was published by Simon & Schuster in 2000. From 1985 to1986 he was editor of U.S. News & World Report, helping to guidethe magazine to record gains in circulation and advertising.