Elon in L.A. Program Launches Class Blog

Students in the Elon in Los Angeles Internship Program have just launched their class blog, which they will update regularly throughout the summer. For their first assignment, students were required to create individual autobiographies, which were edited together and produced by senior Jess Linderman.

This first of five featured webisodes on the blog is called “Climbingthe Ladder,” and it presents an introduction to the students living, interningand taking classes in Elon’s newest domestic program in California.

The 20 students in the inaugural class will earn six credithours during their nine-week stay in Los Angeles—two hours of internship andfour hours of an elective course called The Business of Hollywood. J. McMerty, coordinatorof video projects, oversees the program in L.A.

Opportunities for internships exist within entertainmentcompanies and businesses that support the industry, including casting,distribution of programming and entertainment journalism.  The School ofCommunications has contacts from more than 700 internships sites in the LosAngeles area.

Students participating in Elon in L.A. will also haveregularly scheduled activities, such as film screenings, behind the scenestours of productions in progress and mentoring interactions with our alumniworking and living in Los Angeles.