Elon chef Beijing-bound for Olympics

What does it take to feed 15,000 athletes, their trainers, journalists and other support staff at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing? Tag Gray, executive chef and a food services director at Elon University, is about to find out.

“I’m hoping to learn more about the culture,” said Tag Gray, a food services director at the university. “To me, China is a country you don’t hear a lot about.”
Gray was one of more than 200 managers with ARAMARK to apply for and be accepted to work the Olympic games in August. ARAMARK, the food services corporation that includes Elon as a client, has been named the food provider for both the Olympic and Paralympic Games in August.

In that role, Gray, who has been at Elon for four years, will oversee 2,000 cooks from many of the culinary arts schools and restaurants in Beijing. “I wouldn’t mind learning a different cooking style,” he said. “What not a better place to learn than over there?”

The obstacles, he said, are numerous. “I’m a little apprehensive,” he said with a laugh. “I’m not exactly sure what I’m walking into.”

Or maybe he does.

For starters, Gray said, he does not speak Chinese, and many of the cooks he supervises do not speak English. Nor are hygiene standards on the same level as those demanded by health departments that inspect restaurants in the United States.

Then there’s the management culture. In China, Gray said, managers must avoid outwardly disciplining or correcting an employee. “Saving face” is important to their culture. Instead, Gray said, he will have to demonstrate best practices and be patient with people who fear public embarrassment.

“I’m hoping to learn more about the culture,” Gray said. “To me, China is a country you don’t hear a lot about.”

The summer games mark the first opportunity for Gray to help with the Olympics since joining ARAMARK in the early 1990s. He missed his chance to apply for the Atlanta games in 1996, he was enrolled at another school for the 2000 games in Sydney, and he ran a summer camp in 2004 when the Olympics traveled to Athens.

Gray leaves North Carolina on June 25 and returns Aug. 31. After that he plans to take a week’s vacation with his wife and four children.

For more information:
Eric Townsend, director of the Elon University News Bureau
etownsend4@elon.edu or (336) 278-7413