Adamson interviews French political cartoonist

Plantu’s humorous depiction of French president, Nicolas Sarkozy

Sophie Adamson, assistant professor of French in the Department of Foreign Languages, interviewed France’s renowned political cartoonist, Jean Plantureux (who goes by “Plantu” professionally) on May 23 in Paris.

Plantu has been called an “institution” in France as his political cartoons have appeared on the front page of France’s leading newspaper, Le Monde, for the last 35 years.  More modestly, Plantu describes himself as “a journalist who draws” with a profound interest not only in France and French politics, but in third world issues and the peace process in the Middle East.

Students in Adamson’s French Social Criticism through Humor course studied the magnitude of Plantu’s drawings, and Amber Christino, class of 2010, presented on Plantu at SURF in April.