Dunham serves as faculty member at National Institute for Trial Advocacy

Catherine Dunham, associate professor of law, is teaching two summer courses for the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) at the organization's headquarters in Louisville, Colo.

Catherine Dunham
NITA is the nation’s leading provider of legal advocacy skillstraining. NITA pioneered the legal skills learning-by-doing methodologyover 35 years ago and has since remained the ultimate standard incontinuing legal education. With an average student/faculty ratio of4:1 and an all-volunteer faculty drawn from a cadre of judges, lawprofessors, and practicing attorneys, NITA’s multi-day “boot camps”deliver unparalleled professional development for nearly 6,000attorneys each year.

Dunham taught on intensive two-week National Trial Course to practicing attorneys from the around the country in early July and will return July 28 to teach a NITA course for public service attorneys. The faculty in both courses include law faculty and trial lawyers from across the country and faculty must be invited to teach in both programs.