DavidNoer, the Frank S.Holt Jr. Professor of Business Leadership at Elon, had a columnpublished Aug. 10, 2008, in the (Greensboro, N.C.) News &Record.The column, “Imagine safer, cheaper driving,” offers two “imaginings” that can stimulate actions that will make driving lessexpensive and safer:
1.) Obeying the speed limit.
2.) Not using cell phones while driving.
“Obeying speed limits and putting down our phones whiledriving may not have the utopian appeal of (John) Lennon’s ‘imaginings,’ but they aretwo very practical actions that will save money, lives and resources,” Noer writes. “It iseasy to find barriers to these actions, but the power of imagination is that itleads to creativity, and the power of creativity is that it allows us to findways to overcome barriers.”
To read the full column, click on the link to the upper right of this page.