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An Elon University team has been formed on the Kiva micro-lending Web site. Ocek Eke, assistant professor of communications, recently created a group for the university that will enable students, faculty, staff and alumni to lend money collectively.

Ocek Eke
Kiva is the world’s first person-to-person micro-lending Web site. It allows individuals or groups of people to donate start-up money to entrepreneurs in the developing world. Once the borrowers begin to find success, they then begin to pay back the loans, interest-free.

Since the Web site’s launch in 2005, more than 336,000 lenders have donated $43 million to 60,000 borrowers.

Throughout the course of the loan, which usually lasts six to 12 months, a lender can choose to receive e-mail journal updates and can track repayments. Once the money is repaid, it can be relent to another entrepreneur.

Arising from a voluntary class project, Eke and his classes have loaned out more than $2,435 to 44 businesses through the online organization.

“When you browse entrepreneurs’ profiles on the site, choose someone to lend to, and then make a loan,” Eke said, “you are helping a real person make great strides towards economic independence and improving life for themselves, their family and their community.”

Eke heard about Kiva through a global magazine last year and began asking his students to $2 a week. The classes chose businesses online from Kenya, Afghanistan, Honduras, Peru, Togo and Cambodia.

To access the Elon Kiva team page, click on the link at right.