Allied Churches Milk Drive

Want to help out in
the Elon Community?

Allied Churches is a 3-tiered
organization in Burlington including a Caring Kitchen, an overnight Homeless Shelter
and a Christian Assistance Network. The organization helps countless members of our community every day.

Churches provides daily meals for the community. There is no guarantee, however, that the organization will receive
the milk it needs to prepare these meals and cater to the community each

Allied Churches is currently holding a milk drive. We are asking Elon organizations or individuals to sign up
for a Thursday to bring 8-10 gallons of milk to our facility. If you are interested, please email Kjersti
Smedley at  (At Food Lion, buy 6 gallons and the 7th is free!)

is a great and easy way to get involved and help our community. We are so lucky to be here at Elon and
this is our chance to give back. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. We hope to see you soon.