Star-News: Needed: A Recipe for Accountability

From the Wilmington Star-News (10/1/08): The board that oversees liquor sales in New Hanover County needs to be shaken, not stirred, out of its complacency.

Accountability to the public is clearly not a high priority for the county’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and its staff. A few angry neighbors are doing their best to hold the board accountable, but that’s difficult when neither the county nor the state has any direct authority over its daily operations.

The New Hanover County ABC Board posted nearly $30 million in liquor sales last year. It is a government entity, but it has operated largely out of the public eye. Hence, a residents group is still waiting for a response to a request it made nearly two months ago for public records that included meeting minutes and details of real estate transactions. When the Star-News sought similar information, Supervisor Billy Williams referred the reporter to the board’s lawyer, who provided information about the transactions.

Apparently the ABC board and employees have become so used to operating without public scrutiny that they don’t feel the need to be responsive.

That was evident in its handling of the planned expansion of the liquor store at 17th and Castle streets.

Board members stirred up a vat of ill will by ignoring preservationists’ calls to delay tearing down a block of small houses with historic significance to make room for a bigger store. Never mind that the neighborhood is close to being designated a National Register Historic District.

After the wrecking ball turned the houses into rubble, the board put off the expansion in favor of enlarging the Carolina Beach store. So much for the rush.

Questions also remain about whether the board attempted to circumvent Wilmington’s tree preservation ordinance – it seems a number of mature trees were conveniently felled just before the board’s purchase of the homes, and the real estate agency handling the transactions was compensated for tree removal services.

North Carolina’s liquor regulations are an oddity to many newcomers and tourists, and it may be time to revise this antiquated system – a legislative commission is looking at that possibility.

For now, however, the New Hanover County ABC Board must be held accountable to the taxpayers, including the disgruntled neighbors who want to know how its decisions are made.

This uncomfortable turn in an unwelcome spotlight has made it clear the panel could use a lesson in open government.