Blood Drive volunteers needed Oct. 28-29

Hey Volunteers!

We need your help! We still need people to staff the Fall Blood Drives.

Here are the positions and time slots we still need to fill:

1. Greeter: Welcome and sign in donors and schedule walk-in appointments at the check-in table in two- hour shifts on Tuesday, Oct. 28 10 AM – 1 PM & on Wednesday, Oct. 29 2 PM – 4PM.
2. Canteen: Provide donors with snacks and refreshments after their donation and make sure that they are feeling all right in two-hour shifts on Tuesday, Oct. 28 10 AM- 2PM & on Wednesday, Oct. 29 12 PM – 4PM.

Please let us know what you’re interested in doing and when you’d like to help by shooting us an email at Please include your Name, your desired Volunteer Position & Time, your Datatel # (so we can get you credit for your service), your Cell # (so we can get in touch with you if something changes), and your Campus Box #.

There will be a short training session in the Commuter Lounge in Moseley today, Monday, Oct. 27 6-6:30 PM. You’ll get volunteer hours for the training as well.

Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and service. You are the reason Elon is able to help save lives by giving blood.

P/S: You can donate blood too! You can make your appointment today by clicking on the link to the right. Enter the sponsor Code 1428. You receive an hour of service for your blood donation as well!