Lee Bush column published in (Greensboro, N.C.) News and Record

December 29, 2008

Lee Bush, an assistant professor of communications, had a column published in the Dec. 21, 2008, edition of the News & Record in Greensboro, N.C. “Americans waiting for straight talk from CEOs” challenges financial executives to take responsibility for the economic crisis facing the United States.

New book by Tripp York contemplates idea of love

December 29, 2008

Is love nothing more than yearning? What happens when a person is in a relationship with someone he no longer desires? Tripp York, an instructor of religious studies at Elon University, asks such questions in Anesthesia: A Brief Reflection on Contemporary Aesthetics, his first work of fiction and second book published since 2007.

Mark Prokosch research links brains with sex appeal

December 29, 2008

Attention men. Drop the dumbbells and hit the books. Your brain may be your most attractive body part. Mark Prokosch, an Elon University adjunct assistant professor, shows in new research due to be published this winter in Evolution and Human Behavior that intelligence is important when it comes to attracting a woman.