AKPsi Spring Rush starts Feb. 9

Alpha Kappa Psi, Elon’s co-ed Professional Business Fraternity, will be holding spring rush for all majors on:

Mon., Feb. 9.: 7:30 p.m. (Information Session in KOBC 346; dress is casual; e-mail mmosko@elon.edu if you are unable to attend)

Thurs., Feb. 12.: 6:30-9 p.m. (Innovation Session in KOBC 346; dress is business professional; event is mandatory)

Mon., Feb. 16: 6:30-9 p.m. (Formal Interviews in KOBC 346; dress is business professional; event is mandatory)

Tues., Feb. 17: 6:30-9 p.m. (Formal Interviews in KOBC 346; dress is business professional; event is mandatory)

GPA of 2.75 or above
Freshman (2nd semester), sophomore, or junior standing.

Have questions? E-mail mmosko@elon.edu