Junior Teaching Fellows return from Winter Term in Washington

Teaching Fellows stay warm on the Washington Mall during the Presidential Inauguration, January 20..

The junior class of North Carolina Teaching Fellows spent Winter Term 2009 in Washington, D.C., with Elon political science professor Sean Giovanello and teaching assistant Emily Byrd, a member of the senior class of Teaching Fellows. 

During their first week in the Nation’s Capital, students visited public and private schools in both the District and the near Maryland suburbs. They also participated in service work at the D.C. Central Kitchen, where they spent time preparing food for 1700 people, washing dishes, sorting papers, talking with the staff and enjoying a delicious meal at the end.

During the second week, the students participated in The Washington Center’s inauguration seminar. They had the opportunity to reflect on the most significant things that they learned about both the Federal District and the  “non-federal side of Washington.”

You can read some of their thoughts on the Presidential Inauguration included in an article that was published in the Burlington Times-News by clicking the link at the right.